Featured image of post MG Crossbone X2 Ver.Ka

MG Crossbone X2 Ver.Ka

I gotta say… this is an old gunpla design and it shows, a lot!

MG Crossbone wielding a saber


I love the Crossbone, so I like its looks, but many of the connections are quite loose: I had to tighten the bicep/shoulder peg (bad idea to begin with) otherwise the weight of the weapons would probably pull off the arms.

And, I had to mask and paint all the yellow trim on the shoulders (that was Chiara’s steady hand, actually!) and weapons, because they’re molded completely in dark blue (or grey, which is wrong anyway). The yellow is not quite the right tone, it should be more orange, but I decided this was enough (it’s not bad for brush painted details).

This specific model’s signature weapon should be a long handheld cannon but… honestly it looks very boring, I prefer the piratey saber and “flintlock” pistol.

So, to sum up: I still love the Crossbone even if the kit is a bit disappointing in its engineering. I would welcome a 2.0 of the whole MG line… and to people considering it I’d suggest only getting the MGs if they are fans of the model, otherwise choose the RG which seems to be very well engineered.

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